We invite you to test our TOPASS token.

Before using the demo, read the article How to use TOPASS


Do not use TOPASS tokens in a production environment. Token MetaData is also stored on the DEMO environment and may be subject to cyclic cleaning.


We are minting tokens on Polygon test:

at: https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/

chain ID: 80001

Demo contract address: 0x16aeBC53AFE88363636fbcDCbB2000f87a1De195


Enjoy demo version: https://demo.topass.in/pub


1. You can import tokens into an ERC-721 compliant wallet e.g. MetaMask.

2. Open your wallet and select the TOPAS token. You will see a description and QR code

3. Scan the QR code and verify the TOPASS token.